The Moody States of America

downloadOctober 25,2013 – Do you feel out-of-place, or unable to relate to your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers? Perhaps moving to the state that better suits your personality will cure you of your ills.

“Time” magazine released data this week, researched by a group led by American psychologist Jason Rentfrow, that maps the American mood with state-by-state ratings of personality and temperament. By gathering personality test data from over one million people, the group identified distinct personality regions in the country, and by taking a simple test, you can discover where you belong.

Take the test and read the full article

According to the test, my best fit is Georgia, because the Peach State is friendly and conventional, relaxed and creative, and temperamental and uninhibited. Supposedly I am too. I’ve visited Georgia a few times, and it was agreeable because my stays occurred in the fall and winter. I’m not sure I would like the climate during the summer. As far as sports, I could never call myself a Braves or Falcons fan, so scientific data aside, I think I’ll stay in Pennsylvania for now.

Still, it is nice to know I have a place to run to that would understand me should I need to make a quick getaway.

2 thoughts on “The Moody States of America

  1. A fun but totally unreliable test. They said I belonged in South Carolina! I refuse to go even an inch farther south than where I am now.

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