Weekly Photo Challenge: Partners

June 29, 2018 — This week’s photo challenge is partners.

This couple sits by the sea at the Grounds for Sculpture in Trenton, N.J., modeled after the actual painting, Argenteuil by Edouard Manet. A photo of the painting is below.

The real question, does the couple meet the “partners” requirement, or does that title belong to the sculpture and the painting?


Happy Birthday, Carly Simon

carlyJune 25, 2018 – It’s no secret that I adore Carly Simon. She’s my favorite female singer/songwriter of all time. In fact, nobody does it better than she does.

The Grammy, Academy and Golden Globe winner turns 73 today. A legend in her own time, she was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1994.

The biggest success of her career was the classic “You’re So Vain”, which prompted rumors worldwide as fans speculated who she was singing about when she crooned, “I bet you think this song is about you.” Likely suspects include Mick Jagger, Warren Beatty, Kris Kristofferson and Cat Stevens. Recent speculation, however, claims that it’s actually music and movie mogul David Geffen.

Simon, who suffers from severe stage and rarely toured during her hey day. I was lucky enough to see her twice, once in the late 1970s and once in the late 1980s. With much anticipation I waited for her to announce new tour dates for venues in my neighborhood when she toured with her two children, Sally and Ben in the early 2000s. Alas, they didn’t come my way.

If you’re not familiar with Simon’s music, especially the wonderful deeper cuts on her albums, give her half a chance. You won’t be disappointed.

So join me in wishing Carly a Happy Birthday. It’s the right thing to do.

Ok, I may have overdid it with weaving in the song titles. Can you spot how many I mentioned? There’s at least one in every paragraph.

My favorite video of Carly on ; the harmonies are beautiful…


What I Believe: A Top 10 List

June 18, 2018 – Here’s a top ten list I hope you enjoy:

1. Hearing the right song can make (or break) your day. It’s really special if you hear the song accidentally, like on the radio when you share the experience with others who may be listening.

2. Everything happens for a reason. Yes, I’m one of those people.

3. People come into your life and leave it for a reason. This may be an extension of the point above, but it’s best to separate things and people, don’t you think?

4. Smoking is disgusting. I know because its harmed people I love, it makes your clothes smell awful, and I used to smoke.

5. Happiness, like a positive attitude, is a state of mind. Smile. Not only will you feel better, but everyone around you will, too.

6. Everyone is entitled to believe what they wish, and we need to respect that. This is especially true these days with how we are all divided politically. How boring (and unproductive) would this world be if we all thought the same way?

7. Sometimes it’s who you know, not what you know. I don’t like it, but it’s true. The good news is sometimes it gets to be your turn to know the right people.

8. The Phillies could make the playoffs. They are definitely playing better than last year, and despite the ups and downs, this young group of players could do something big this year.

9. Miracles do happen. Keep your eyes open and you’ll see at least one every day.

10. People who litter should be punished severely. What makes any one think it’s OK to throw trash from a car window is beyond me. And that includes cigarettes, you butt head!

Are You Ready for Bloomsday?

June 16, 2018 – “How can you call yourself a writer if you’ve never read Ulysses?”

This is not a question that keeps me awake at night, but rather one that my son asks me from time to time when he feels I’m not living up to my potential, which is about the same time, I suppose, he feels he’s not living up to his potential. The question is meant to inspire me to read the classics and push myself to achieve a similar feat. I’m not sure what it’s supposed to do for him.

I’ve never actually answered his question, but I did head over to my local Barnes and Noble to page through a copy of the James Joyce classic. With a cup of tea in hand, I sat in the café to read a few pages before I purchased a copy.

This week marks is the 114th anniversary of Joyce’s first date with his wife-to-be Nora Barnacle. Their relationship was the inspiration for Ulysses, a story that takes place all in one day on … you guessed it … June 16. Seems Joyce was not only a serious writer but also a serious romantic. In Ireland, June 16 is known as Bloomsday, named for the character of Leopold Bloom, the protagonist of Ulysses.

And to all the writers who have read Ulysses, I commend you. It may be considered a 265,000-word work of art written in a stream of consciousness style, but I wasn’t able to get past the first few pages.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Numbers

June 8, 2018 — The weekly photo challenge ended last Friday after more than five years. To continue the challenge on my own, I went back to the beginning to complete the challenges I missed. So, this week’s photo challenge is numbers.

Cemeteries are filled with numbers, from the number of graves and people buried there, to the birth and death dates carved on the stones.

June is Lavender Month

June 4, 2018 – I never had much desire to visit France — I believe I’m more of a fan of the Mediterranean countries, at least when I vacation in my mind — but these gorgeous photos of the French lavender fields make me want to hop a plane now.

With lavender’s ability to sooth nervous tension, relieve pain and help insomnia, the people in this region must be the happiest and most well-rested people on earth. Just looking at them made me smile.

In my region of southeastern Pennsylvania, it’s lavender harvest season, which makes it the perfect time to visit a lavender farm. Two local farms I recommend are Peace Valley Lavender Farm and Carousel Lavender Farm.